Monday 1 October 2012

Monday Morning

Monday mornings should be a thing of the past but the 24th September proved to be our boating version.  Over the weekend our Honda generator stopped producing electricity in the middle of a big load in the washing machine.   The washing was finished by hand and luckily dried in the warm weather on Saturday.  The genny had to be returned to a supplier and not wishing to delay the repairs we set off for Nottingham in the pouring rain.  

Since leaving Torksey we have been looked after very well by the lock-keepers on the River Trent.  On the approach to the locks we've radioed ahead and the lockies have opened the gates, filled the locks and cheerfully sent us on our way.  Our first lock on this wet Monday revealed the locks were now unmanned and this service had ended.   Out with the windlass and waterproofs to go through the lock onto the Nottingham Canal.  

We walked the short distance, Kev carrying the generator, to Henton & Chattell whose staff were very helpful.  They looked at the genny while we dripped in their reception.  The cause of the problem was not apparent so we left it in their capable hands and continued towards Nottingham.   The canal has some very low bridges which we squeezed under, carefully checking our height as we went along.  Later we realised the heavy rain had increased the water levels in the canal thus reducing the available headroom.   

We moored up in Nottingham city centre and a continual flow of pedestrians with orange carrier bags indicated a Sainsbury's store was not far away.  In fact it was close enough to wheel the shopping trolley back to our mooring so we stocked up again!

I haven't visited Nottingham before and took the opportunity to have a look round.  The tall red brick buildings stand proud over the busy streets and the caves around the castle are fascinating.  I was surprised to see a medieval house for sale - would you get a mortgage on that?

Our water tank was running low so we moved on to Beeston Lock where we find the Upper Trent is in flood.   While waiting for the water levels to subside we hear our genny has been repaired.  I caught the train back to Nottingham to collect it.  The service provided by Henton & Chattell was excellent,  a replacement wiring loom was ordered and fitted in 5 days and they ordered a taxi for my return journey.  I highly recommend this friendly helpful firm.  

Moored up at Beeston Lock 

Our short journey from Holme Pierrepoint to Beeston Lock.


  1. A very amusing post! :-) I realise now, that when I lived in Nottingham I didn't take much notice of the canal, a shame really! Great city though.

    1. Me too, Jo. Fours years living in Nottingham and countless visits, and I didn't know a canal went through it.
