Friday 1 March 2013

Leaving Tattenhall

We've been lucky with the weather during our first winter aboard Brent III.  A Karcher vacuum window cleaner has helped with the condensation but after prolonged wet weather we started to notice damp patches on the wood panelling.  On investigation we realised it wasn't just condensation,  the air vents in the roof were no longer water tight and rain was running down into the shell of the boat.  A temporary fix with silicon prevented any more leaks and we now have replacement vents.  

We're looking forward to continuing our travels but we've enjoyed seeing family and friends before we sail off.  We were pleased to see John, Cath and the kids who braved the weather to visit us.  Later in the month we enjoyed a stay with Nic and Gaz which gave us the opportunity to catch up with Shaun & Laura, Pat & Karl and John & Sue.  Bess & Georgie immediately started playing but Brin wasn't so sure.  Eventually she joined them and showed  how fast she can run by leaving them behind.  

Preparations to continue our cruising have been underway.  To reduce our deep draft we've removed some of the lead blocks which serve as ballast and handily we were able to sell them as scrap.  We've also had a good sort out and took off the items we don't need.   

Kev's been busy with general maintenance and servicing the engine and we've been out for a short trip to check all is running properly.  On the domestic front we've made good use of the mains electric.  The washing machine has been working overtime and all rechargeable batteries and appliances have been charged.

I've been testing Chester's reputation as a shopping centre and accompanied by Mum, I went to buy an outfit for Jo's wedding, happily we were successful.   Having bought everything else we may need and stocked up on supplies we were ready to start the next stage of our journey.  On 1st March we sailed out of Tattenhall Marina. 

1 comment:

  1. Did you sail out with washing line proudly on display???
