Tuesday 23 April 2013

Leeds Liverpool Canal

The Leeds Liverpool continues to take us through a peaceful country park which has been reclaimed from colliery waste.  In the distance we could see a large structure looming over the canal.   It was a striking canal-side sculpture based on lock gates.

Bess and Brin standing in front of  "Unlock" a canal-side sculpture.    
 We started climbing the Wigan Flight of 21 locks in bright sunshine and immediately came across another type of lock mechanism.  Where space is limited there are no balance beams and the gates are opened using rack and pinion gear.  After the first 8 locks we had the option to moor up for the day but as everything was going well we continued up.   A boat coming in the opposite direction left the locks in our favour reducing the amount of work.

All was going well until after sailing into a lock we couldn't completely shut the gates.  Despite all our efforts a gap of a foot remained between the 2 gates.  An audience gathered and 2 cyclists kindly stopped to lend a hand but still the gates wouldn't shut.  Kev suggested opening the paddles on the front gates to see if the water pressure would push the gates shut.  At first nothing happened but then with a loud crash, making us all jump, the gates closed.  The crowd dispersed except for one man who helpfully advised us the canal was dry ahead. 

We thought he might have been exaggerating until we reached a stretch between the locks which had drained through an open ground paddle.  All that remained was a shallow stream, about a foot deep and a lot of mud.  Kev went ahead armed with a windlass and opened up the remaining locks to fill the stretch and alert the Canal & River Trust staff to the problem.  They gave us a welcome hand through the last few locks.

The wind continued to pick up so we found a good mooring and tied up with extra ropes.  That evening waves were whipped up along the canal and slapped against the side of the boat.   

At Adlington we decided to book into the White Bear Marina and make use of the electric hook up and good facilities.  On Saturday I caught the train to Preston for Jo and Paul's wedding.  The day was perfect, Jo looked lovely, Haighton Manor provided an excellent setting and it was great to see everyone.  Thanks to Glyn and Gillian who drove me back to Preston station on Sunday - I caught the train with a minute to spare!   
Our journey from Worsley to Adlington


  1. Great pic of the dogs in front of the sculpture; next to Brin, Bess is like a little black blob :)

    Got some really nice pics of you & Nanny, Grandad etc on the day - will email them to you!

  2. There was 6 gates but kev was short on fire wood ????;-)
    I get more jealous with every blog if cath would let but the kids up for adoption I would then I'd be able to join you .
    Happy sailing speak soon.
