Monday 21 April 2014

Sailing Off 2014

The winter months at Goole passed by quickly; Kev finished his list of maintenance jobs and also made some changes.  He replaced our small brass kitchen sink with a larger stainless steel one, complete with a swivel mixer tap, which is far more practical.  We bought a new lock for the front doors and Kev enthusiastically cut a hole through the door with his jigsaw but there was a technical hitch.  The hole was too big.  Gaz came to the rescue by neatly inserting a wooden patch and fitting the new lock.        

Spring came early but our departure from Viking Marina was delayed until I recovered from a hernia operation.  Kev toiled on the domestic front while I dedicated my recuperation to various arts and crafts.  

My Zentangle style version of a wyvern based on the one carved on Sheffield Railway Station. 

Cath & John invited us to join them on their Easter holiday which was the perfect start to our travels.  We stocked up with essentials before Shaun came to collect the van which has proved to be very useful.   On Saturday 12th April we sailed off with Cath, John and the kids who are in their new boat La Belle.  

La Belle on Bulholme lock jetty.
 At Woodlesford someone has been busy creating chainsaw creatures which stand among the trees lining the footpaths.   It's warm in the sun and the circular route between the locks is busy with families, dog-walkers, cyclists and one or two bird watchers, all enjoying the countryside. A couple stop to tell us the proposed route for HS2 is alongside the canal which would sadly destroy this haven.  

Meercats and an elephant at Woodlesford
We sailed into Leeds and moored up in Clarence Dock outside the Royal Armouries which was interesting to visit the next day.  

In Clarence Dock, the building on the right is the Royal Armouries
On our return journey we moored up at Castleford and where surprised to see Lynne and Gary coming through the lock in their boat.  It was good to seem them again and they joined us for the next day's cruising which took us passed Kellingley Colliery.   The colliery is under threat of closure and we wonder if it will still be there next time we are in the area.

Kellingley Colliery
The canal has become very busy with boaters for the Easter holidays, more than we've seen in a long time.  Luckily there is always plenty of space to moor on this canal.  Our last stop with Cath and John was at Pollington where we all enjoyed an excellent Sunday lunch in the Kings Head to round off the holiday.  

Our route from Goole to Leeds and back to Pollington.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh my is that lady fondelton doing the only lock of the week ???? :-) sure I can see the pinky stuck out.
