Sunday 4 October 2015


As we left Keadby we passed an amphibious vehicle being put to work against the invasive floating weed.   Scooping up the weed and depositing it on the bank had cleared an area in front of Vazon bridge but there was plenty more upstream.    

Scooping up the weed
Our next stop was Thorne, usually a busy spot but we were surprised to see only 2 boats on the moorings.   On Friday we continued on to an old favourite mooring at the top of the New Junction canal where Cath and John joined us on Saturday. 

Looking down at the Went Aqueduct and Junction moorings from the footbridge. Brent III is hidden between the cruisers on the right.  

We enjoyed the afternoon chatting in the sunshine while the youngest member of our group had fun with the dinghy. 

Fun on the dinghy
 The next day we all sailed up to Pollington, the adults on Brent III while the dinghy was the preferred transport for the more adventurous.   We enjoyed an excellent Sunday lunch at the King's Head before returning to the Junction.  

Later that night I stopped up to watch the eclipse.  The fog had started to creep in but I still had a reasonable view. 

Not as spectacular as some of the photos I've seen but this was my best photo of the eclipse 

During the following days we had foggy mornings but warm sunny afternoons.  We sailed up to West Haddlesey and on to the picturesque Selby Canal. 

Tankard Bridge at West Haddlesey
On Wednesday we arrived at Selby, a small market town which is dominated by its Abbey.  I took a walk around the outside of the Abbey to look at the Gargoyles and was surprised to see a carved stone boat with a little crusader protruding from the wall.  

The Selby Abbey crusader

Our journey from Keadby to Selby 

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